Category: Privacy

The latest about Aztec and Noir from the Aztec Labs team.

Today we’re announcing, a powerful new smart contract framework for Aztec applications. enables smart contract developers to intuitively manage private state. In other words,

The Last 12 Months of Aztec Grants It has been almost a year since Aztec Labs formally announced the first iteration of the Aztec Grants

Aztec’s architecture is a departure from the current trend in blockchains of horizontal scaling via more general-purpose EVM-compatible execution environments. At Aztec Labs we joke

7 years of experience building blockchain communities. Privacy advocate. Previously at Oasis Network. Alyssa (Aztec): Hey Meredith! So the idea of this interview is to

Progress for Private Voting Private voting is the “real-world” default, and for good reason! Public voting has been problematic for DAOs, creating things like 11th

