
Jonathan Wu

Jonathan Wu is the Head of Growth at Aztec Network, a web3 privacy layer, leveraging his passion for blockchain and privacy technology. His professional journey includes co-founding Zevv, a mobile-dining-as-a-service platform, and founding Willow Communities, a venture for single-family conversions to co-living spaces. He has also contributed to Google’s Advanced Technology and Projects division and worked in private equity at Bain Capital. A Harvard Business School alumnus, Jonathan maintains a significant presence on Twitter, engaging in dialogues about crypto, privacy, Ethereum, and blockchain. He is based in New York and continues to influence the growth and development of blockchain technologies.

Supporting the earliest builders on Aztec’s privacy-first Layer 2 In September, Aztec Labs launched the Aztec Sandbox, a prototype local developer testnet for privacy-first applications

Quality-of-life improvements to Aztec’s local developer testnet A few months ago, we released the Aztec Sandbox at zkHack London.  The Sandbox is a local developer

Today we’re releasing NoirJS– a Javascript package for Noir developers who want to build real applications that generate zero knowledge proofs in the browser. Web

Today we’re announcing that as a result of Aztec Labs’ full investigation into a vulnerability in Aztec Connect, we have paid $450,000 to a whitehat

When we compute a ZK circuit we are not just executing some code, but proving that we have executed the code correctly. Take a program

