Category: Privacy

The latest about Aztec and Noir from the Aztec Labs team.

A way forward for privacy in CBDC’s. In a world where digital transactions are becoming increasingly prevalent, ensuring privacy and data protection has emerged as a

A giant leap toward a fully programmable encrypted zkRollup Today we’re announcing the sunset of Aztec Connect, our privacy infrastructure that served as the encryption

Aztec x Aragon bring private on-chain voting to Nouns The Private Research Sprint Private DAO voting has long been a holy grail. So when Nouns DAO recognized

After 18 months of development we’re thrilled to introduce Noir: the language of zero-knowledge proofs. Noir is a Rust-based domain specific language (DSL) for creating

A look into the pieces that comprise a private zkRollup Aztec Network is a privacy-first zkRollup on Ethereum. Most people who are fans of Aztec understand

