
The latest about Aztec and Noir from the Aztec Labs team.

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A Follow Up to Noir’s Hit Debut Alpha from 2022 Noir, the universal language for zero-knowledge applications, is now in beta. Noir was originally created

Aztec achieves Noir alignment Today Aztec Labs is proud to announce that Aztec’s core circuits have been rewritten in Noir. Aztec’s core circuits were previously

Supporting the earliest builders on Aztec’s privacy-first Layer 2 In September, Aztec Labs launched the Aztec Sandbox, a prototype local developer testnet for privacy-first applications

Quality-of-life improvements to Aztec’s local developer testnet A few months ago, we released the Aztec Sandbox at zkHack London.  The Sandbox is a local developer

Today we’re releasing NoirJS– a Javascript package for Noir developers who want to build real applications that generate zero knowledge proofs in the browser. Web

