Category: Zero knowledge

The latest about Aztec and Noir from the Aztec Labs team.

Progress for Private Voting Private voting is the “real-world” default, and for good reason! Public voting has been problematic for DAOs, creating things like 11th

Aztec is excited to announce the finalists from its Sequencer Selection Request for Proposals. We are also excited to announce a formal partnership with BlockScience, an industry

Leveraging the flexibility of zk-SNARKs to make private DeFi transactions cheap and easy Aztec has been working hard to make general purpose zero-knowledge transactions as easy

In March 2021, we launched Aztec 2.0, which enables users to shield and send funds privately through Aztec private rollups. Aztec 2.0 utilizes our state

TLDR: Aztec has partnered with Ren to bring private Bitcoin to Ethereum We are incredibly excited to partner with Ren to add renBTC into the

